I’m at the Immune Deficiency Foundation National Conference. I’m learning much about our disease. Also meeting vendors who make our beloved IgG treatments.
Have any of you attended this?
If so, what did you think? Did you learn much? Make new friends?
I’ve found that the friends I’ve made with PI- are friends who UNDERSTAND.
Do you have a family member who just doesn’t get it? Yeah we all do.
Maybe send them to this site – or to primaryimmune.org to learn more. You can order materials FREE from them that will help. My absolute favorite is the children’s book – we can ALL understand that.
Later today I will be ‘interviewing’ several patients. I will post their stories later today or tomorrow. Watch for them. They may be so similar to YOUR story.
Tomorrow- we learn where the National Conference will be in 2 years.
You can start saving up for it.
Follow FB site too- I’m posting there often.