Of course – the answer is NO – not by a long shot.

Any chance you’ve had the flu twice this year? If so- you’re not alone. Most of the flu season gave us H1N1 flu strain – but now we are seeing the H3N2 strain. Over 60% of the flu in March has been the latter strain.
Add to that – it’s been widespread in all 48 states- with the worst in the Southeast. This new strain could keep flu active until the end of April – and maybe into May? The biggest problem with this new strain is that it can lead to more serious illness and hospitalization. It has a greater incidence of respiratory infections with either viral or bacterial pneumonia. The last flu season lead to more than 80,000 deaths. So we need to be extra vigilant.

It’s not too late to get a second flu shot. The vaccine has been 47% effective this season- which is much better than last season. The good news is vaccine rates have improved over last season. Still only 45% of kids and adults were vaccinated! PEOPLE THINK! We need herd immunity. It’s not just about YOU – it’s about EVERYONE you come into contact with. This past week, a good friend with PI had both of her PI teens hospitalized and dangerously ill after being exposed to an unthinking ‘friend’.
Over 90% of adults and 44% of kids who were hospitalized had a comorbidity- yes, PI counts – even if you are receiving adequate IgG replacement. Why you ask? Because the current lots were obtained before they had time to build up antibodies to the current strain of flu.
How do I know if it’s a cold or the flu?

How in the world did I get the this darn flu?
The flu virus can last more than an hour in the air or on surfaces. The virus is then either inhaled, or transmitted- usually by your very own fingers- to the mucous membranes of your mouth, nose or eyes. It travels to your respiratory tract and begins highjacking and replicating.

What happens if you’re older than 65? The risk of serious complications from the flu is greater. Between 70-90% of flu related deaths occur in people over 65. Flu is VERY serious for this age group. So stay away because the life you save just might be your Mom or Dad!
Stay well